Frequently Asked Questions

How is the ICO Blizzard rating determined?

Our rating is very transparent. It is based on a combination of two factors, each having a 50% weight in the overall rating.

  1. Fully completed ICO profile gains full points. The profile includes details regarding the white paper, financials, links to a website and various social media accounts, as well as contact details of the project team members, and more. Every submitted ICO is reviewed before it gets approved. However, as per our Terms of Service, we cannot guarantee the credibility of each approved ICO.
  2. Ratings provided by the users. Every user has the possibility to award ratings to any ICO and this counts towards the overall rating of the ICO.

How can I improve my ICO’s rating?

You can improve your ICO profile rating by completing all the missing information about your ICO in the profile. You can do this by sending us the relevant data via the contact form and our editors will either update your ICO’s profile with the new data or get back to you for potential clarifications.

If you didn't get a good score from the users, we suggest that you become more active, further develop your campaign and your product, and keep in touch with your potential investors on your social media accounts.